Riffi-Sahraoui connexion

Gestart door Señor Canardo, 10/03/2010 om 12:15:36

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Chatt zie arif



Citaat van: Chatt In Tokkieland op 07/12/2010 om 17:23:10
Die lelijke inboorling van een CFO heb ik al maanden niet gezien,jammer dat ie ons ontvlucht is,hij had me dit soort dingen haarfijn uit kunnen leggen.

Echt nie, die koekwaus van een inco is mij altijd boven de pet gegaan.

Chatt zie arif



Een Arabische republiek in van oudsher Berbers Noord-Afrika, kom nou.


De Saharawi honden waren boos omdat de teruggekeerden Saharwis uit Tindouf 600 EURO uitkering kregen van de staat en dat wouden ze ook.
Ze gingen protesteren door van agenten de hoofden af te snijden en te stenigen..
En daar komt mijn broeder Senor uit Beni Said voor op..............

By the way. Wikileaks bevestigen dat de situatie in de Sahara is verbeterd. En dat Algerije weet dat er nooit een onafhankelijke staat zal komen, maar dit alleen doet om Marokko te pesten. En de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken heeft gezegd dat er nooit een onafhankelijke Sahara zal komen..


Een paar Wikileaks artikels over de Sahara:

President van Tunesie geeft Algerije de schuld van de problemen met de Sahara en zegt dat Algerije moet accepteren dat er nooit een onafhankelijke Sahara zal komen. Tunesie had een top georganiseerd en Algerije, Libie  en Marokko uitgenodigd om een oplossing te vinden voor de Sahara, maar Algerije wou niet komen..

CiteerÃ,¶14. (S) On the Western Sahara, Ben Ali said the Algerians
are responsible for the ongoing impasse. Welch agreed,
saying the issue was blocking progress in the region. He
said the Algerians need to accept that there is not going to
be an independent state in the Western Sahara. Ben Ali said
the problem is complex, and will take years to resolve. He
added it cannot be settled through the UN Security Council.
He noted Tunisia had tried to convene a Maghreb meeting on it
in Tunis. While Morocco and Libya had agreed to attend,
Algeria refused, saying there was nothing to discuss.


Algerije weet dat Marokko nooit de Sahara zal verlaten, maar probeert het voor Marokko alleen moeilijk te maken vanwege andere redenen
CiteerLeon said Algeria was aware Morocco would never leave Western Sahara. Algeria was simply trying to make things more complicated for Morocco and use the issue as leverage on other matters.

Ã,¶8. (C) Mansouri told Welch and party that Algeria's internal
problems did not prevent a solution to the Western Sahara
dispute. He expressed some concern that generational change
in Algiers might complicate a solution, declaring that the
older generation had created the problem and was best placed
to solve it. Mansouri said the GOM is "very worried about
the POLISARIO moving into the area east of the berm."
Ambassador Welch then launched into a long discussion of U.S.
support for Morocco,s autonomy proposal and for a diplomatic
solution. Both he and Ambassador Riley cautioned against
military action. Welch said that while nine UNSC members
still do not back Morocco's position, international support
was growing. Mansouri then explained that UN Special Envoy
Peter Van Walsum had expressed some disappointment with U.S.
and international support. Welch said we would look at ways
to publicly support Van Walsum's efforts to achieve a
solution. He added that the POLISARIO would never have an
independent state.


2. (C) Ambassador told Bouteflika that the U.S. always
supported the idea of autonomy as a way to remove forward in
a pragmatic manner. He said that if the two parties did not
adopt a realistic stance, the current stalemate could last
another 30 years or even longer. Ambassador said that it
would be better for the Sahrawi refugees to live under a good
autonomy plan rather than to continue living in refugee
camps. He added that the U.S. did not ask the Polisario to
accept Morocco's plan, but to accept negotiation on autonomy
and put their own proposal on the table. Ambassador
continued that the U.S. would be supportive of a broad
measure of autonomy. He cited the example of the Kurds in
Iraq who enjoy wide authorities within a united Iraqi state.


Voor Senor:

De mensenrechten in de Sahara zijn zeer verbeterd en
De Pro-Polisario activisten mogen zich organiseren en sinds een jaar zijn er geen regels voor hun om internationaal te reizen.

Onafhankelijke bronnen in de Sahara zeggen dat de Saharawi meer autonomie willen dan onafhankelijkheid. Volgens een pro-Polisario activist zouden de meeste mensen in de Sahara stemmen voor autonomie dan voor onafhankelijkheid..

Human Rights: Progress but Continuing Paranoia
--------------------------------------------- -

9. (U) The human rights situation in the territory has
dramatically improved since a brief &intifada8 in 2005.
Like Morocco itself, Western Sahara has come a very long way
from the mass disappearances of the &years of lead8 during
Hassan II,s reign. Pro-Polisario Sahrawis are able to
organize under the rubric of human rights activists, which
most of them legitimately pursue, such as last year,s RFK
award winner, Aminatou Haidar from the Sahrawi Collective of
Human Rights Defenders (CODESA). In just over a year,
restrictions on their international travel have disappeared.

10. (C) Since mid-2008, once common beatings and arbitrary
imprisonment have also essentially ceased. One key to the
reduction in abuses last year was the transfer of
long-serving security officials with consistent records as
abusers. Activists and officials confirmed in July 2009 that
more transfers (many by promotion) had recently taken place,
and most well known abusers are reportedly now gone. All
sources report the territory is quiet, with residents hopeful
for some political progress.

What the People Want

13. (C) Extensive interviews and independent sources in the
territory suggest that the principal goal of most Sahrawis is
more self-government than self-determination; a desire more
for protection and identity than independence, an army and
embassies. The small vocally pro-Polisario minority,
including many of the human rights activists, formerly
enjoyed the support of the &silent majority8 of these
Sahrawis, particularly during periods of repression.
Development and reduced oppression have reduced this support.
The Sahrawi &silent majority8 in the territory has been
intrigued by the prospect of autonomy and has generally
quietly awaited its development. Recently, a pro-Polisario
activist, when asked, confided to us that he believed that in
a free election held now a majority of voters in the
territory would choose autonomy.



Laatste nieuws is dat Human Rights Tindouf kampen wou bezoeken, maar Algerije  laat ze weer niet erin...
Waarschijnlijk zijn ze bang dat de Saharawis gaan zeggen dat ze terug willen keren naar Marokko en vast worden gehouden in Tindouf door Algerije en de Polisario.

9 dec 2010, New York Times reportage over de Sahara

De ontmaskering van de Polisario propaganda:
A fog of rumors and propaganda has helped obscure the facts about what happened here last month. The Polisario Front still maintains that the Moroccan authorities carried out a massacre after evacuating the camp, where about 12,000 people had gathered to protest social and economic conditions. “More than 30 people were killed,” some of them buried alive, Ahmed Boukhari, the Polisario representative at the United Nations, said in a telephone interview. Similar stories have appeared in the Algerian press.

The truth, it soon emerged, was virtually the opposite: knife-wielding gangs from the camp attacked unarmed Moroccan security officers, killing 11 of them, according to the police, witnesses and human rights advocates. Gruesome video footage captured during the attacks shows one masked man deftly cutting the throat of a prone Moroccan officer, and another urinating on the body of a dead fireman.

Moroccan officials concede that the tensions here are rooted partly in their own mistakes. They have doled out land and money to new Sahrawi refugees from Polisario-controlled areas, a policy aimed at winning hearts and minds that has angered the original Sahrawi residents. “There has been corruption and poor administration, and this has fed the anger,” said Mohamed Taleb, the director of a government-aligned human rights group here.
