Group of Moroccan citizens launch initiative for 'Movement of All Democrats'

Gestart door Idir, 18/01/2008 om 00:12:40


Group of Moroccan citizens launch initiative for 'Movement of All Democrats'

Rabat, Jan. 17 - A group of Moroccan citizens have launched an initiative for a "Movement of All Democrats" regardless of their political sympathies, an initiative founded on the "fundamentals of the Moroccan Nation, and whose reference are democratic values, whose credo are the components of our plural identity and of our authenticity, and whose horizon is modernity."

    A communiqué issued on Thursday, says that this initiative came after "citizens of different professional, intellectual and cultural belonging, and of different political and association sensibilities met several times during the past weeks," adding that "these meetings have considered the challenges, issues, stakes and expectations relating to the national political situation, including the lessons drawn from the latest legislative elections."

    Building on the conclusions of the meetings, the source added, and "convinced of the need to act to save and consolidate the achievements of our country in terms of democratization and development," and "aware of the lack of mobilization among the national elite in leading the citizens and in the participation of the latter in building their future" and "of the extent of the challenges and of the responsibilities that lie on everyone; the State and the society” participants in these meetings have resolutely committed to endeavor for the “emergence of a renewed democratic momentum.”

    “Furthermore, they reaffirm their deep conviction as to the necessity to overcome the attitudes of failure and passivity, and to work with volunteerism in order to reinforce the responsible commitment before the expectations of the citizens and before the great challenges of the nation,” the source added.

    The participants strongly stressed “the necessity of a national initiative that is open to all the democrats, regardless of their political or movement sympathies, founded on the fundamentals of the Moroccan Nation, and whose reference are democratic values, whose credo are the components of our plural identity and of our authenticity, and whose horizon is modernity,” the communiqué read, stressing that this is an initiative “that adopts the discourse of realism and the concern of proximity as principles of action, an initiative for the movement of all the democrats.”

    The communiqué is signed on behalf of the participants by Mr. Aziz Akhennouch, Mr. Ahmed Khchichine, Mr. Salah El Ouadie El Assafi, Mrs. Khadija Rouissi, Mr. Fouad Ali Al Himma, Mr. Mustapha Bakkoury, Mr. Rachid Talbi Alami, Mr. Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah, Mr. Hakim Benchamach, Mr. Habib Belkouch and Mr. Hassan Benaddi.


Op hun beurt hebben 150 intellectuelen, journalisten en politici een petitie ondertekend waarin ze vragen om meer tolerantie ten opzichte van homoseksualiteit. Dit naar aanleiding van de gebeurtenissen in Ksar Kbir.



Gelukkig iets in het Nederlands :

Protest tegen extremisme in Marokko

RABAT/MADRID -  Circa 150 prominente Marokkanen hebben uit vrees voor religieus en politiek extremisme in een gezamenlijke brief geprotesteerd tegen het gevaar van onverdraagzaamheid. „We leven vandaag in een klimaat van haat en van inquisitie die op termijn de burgervrede in Marokko in gevaar brengen.”

De artiesten, politici, journalisten en anderen hebben in het afgelopen weekeinde hun manifest 'Oproep ter verdediging van de individuele vrijheden' in tal van kranten gepubliceerd, meldde maandag het Spaanse dagblad El País.

Onder de ondertekenaars zijn figuren uit zeer uiteenlopende politieke stromingen, zoals de nieuwschef van de staatsomroep, Samira Sitail, de schrijvers Tahar Benjelloun en Abdellatif Laabi, de feministe Fouzia Assouli en ex-minister Laarbi Messari van de conservatieve nationalistsiche Istiqlal.

Aanleiding tot de eensgezindheid en tot de oproep was een incident in november waarbij talrijke mensen, aangespoord door islamisten, zich keerden tegen enkele homoseksuelen en hun eigendommen omdat die op een feest hadden gedaan alsof ze met elkaar in het huwelijk traden.

Een goede actie!!


Citaat van: Idir op 22/01/2008 om 13:14:51

Themcunt-a n thspanyut war yedji wi dhas gha ifhmen... :D
Ewa samhayi waha, togha wa-ofigh cha nneghni...