Driss Basri overleden

Gestart door ameziane, 30/08/2007 om 12:03:46


Sterkhouder terreurregime Hassan II overleden

BRUSSEL - Het Marokkaanse persbureau Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) zond vandaag een uiterst beknopt en droog overlijdensbericht van Driss Basri (69) de wereld in. Een korte biografie van de gehate oud-minister van Binnenlandse Zaken moest volstaan om Basri's overlijden in een Parijse kliniek wereldkundig te maken.

Als minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en later ook van Informatie was Driss Basri twintig jaar lang de sterkhouder van de hardvochtige dictatuur van wijlen koning Hassan II.

Tijdens de Jaren van Lood - van de jaren zestig tot begin jaren negentig - vierde de repressie tegen dissidenten, onafhankelijke journalisten, schrijvers en kunstenaars hoogtij in Marokko. Duizenden opposanten werden geëxecuteerd, gemarteld in de beruchte folterkelders, of 'verdwenen' gewoon van de aardbodem.

Mensenrechtengroepen wezen Driss Basri met de vinger voor tal van deze moorden en verdwijningen. De nieuwe, hervormingsgezinde koning Mohammed VI, die na de dood van zijn vader Hassan II in 1999 de Marokkaanse troon besteeg, stelde een waarheidscommissie in. Die bood slachtoffers van de staatsterreur van zijn vader de kans hun wedervaren te vertellen. Maar de commissie sloot uit dat Basri noch andere vermoedelijke verantwoordelijken zich ooit voor een rechter zouden moeten verantwoorden.

Wel stuurde Mohammed VI vijf maanden nadat hij koning was geworden, Basri prompt de laan uit. Basri's ontslag, in november 1999, werd het eerste openlijke teken dat de nieuwe koning een duidelijke streep onder het zwarte verleden wilde trekken.

Na zijn ontslag verhuisde Driss Basri naar een luxueuze villa in Frankrijk. Hij koesterde de hoop in Marokko te sterven, maar volgens zijn kennissen heeft een vroegtijdige dood - wellicht door kanker - hem overvallen.

Bron: de Standaard



Let the dogs have him. Of mogen we niet zo spreken over de doden?


Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:06:50
Let the dogs have him. Of mogen we niet zo spreken over de doden?

Which dogs man? There aren't any dogs "outthere" ( or "upthere" ;D).


Citaat van: Amzwaru op 30/08/2007 om 16:09:35
Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:06:50
Let the dogs have him. Of mogen we niet zo spreken over de doden?

Which dogs man? There aren't any dogs "outthere" ( or "upthere" ;D).
No man, I mean his body. That would make him at least usefull in a good way for this world. Do dogs eat scum? Anyway he will go to the big barbeq upthere.


Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:31:35
Citaat van: Amzwaru op 30/08/2007 om 16:09:35
Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:06:50
Let the dogs have him. Of mogen we niet zo spreken over de doden?

Which dogs man? There aren't any dogs "outthere" ( or "upthere" ;D).
No man, I mean his body. That would make him at least usefull in a good way for this world. Do dogs eat scum? Anyway he will go to the big barbeq upthere.

Dogs deserve better food. Though, in case the bqq thingy is just a myth, Dame Nature will leech up the humus. "Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed". ;)

Seriously, I've seen quite a lot of people who took this news with a sort of revenge. Of course that guy was a criminal, but if one wants to blame, one shall not forget that the King, and all the courtisans have taken advantage of his evil work. All in all to say that Basri was a prank but ... his prank work had been ordered by the King, and lobbied by the courtisans' family.


Citaat van: Amzwaru op 30/08/2007 om 16:39:27
Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:31:35
Citaat van: Amzwaru op 30/08/2007 om 16:09:35
Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:06:50
Let the dogs have him. Of mogen we niet zo spreken over de doden?

Which dogs man? There aren't any dogs "outthere" ( or "upthere" ;D).
No man, I mean his body. That would make him at least usefull in a good way for this world. Do dogs eat scum? Anyway he will go to the big barbeq upthere.

Dogs deserve better food. Though, in case the bqq thingy is just a myth, Dame Nature will leech up the humus. "Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed". ;)

Seriously, I've seen quite a lot of people who took this news with a sort of revenge. Of course that guy was a criminal, but if one wants to blame, one shall not forget that the King, and all the courtisans have talen advantage of his evil work.
That's the pantheistic version. Everything that once was and now is has a soul. Evil must not be given a free pass.

Yes, in a way you are right. But every soul is responsible for his own wrongdoings. He was the butcher and he did do the dirty work, yes. The rest that profited from that will also die once. Let the dogs have them too.


Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:51:00

That's the pantheistic version. Everything that once was and now is has a soul. Evil must not be given a free pass.

Yes, in a way you are right. But every soul is responsible for his own wrongdoings. He was the butcher and he did do the dirty work, yes. The rest that profited from that will also die once. Let the dogs have them too.

Yes, I easily admit that the guy deserves the meta-sanction of Hell. However, we can't reasonably expect for a criminal to be judged Upthere. Hence, in a sane and responsible country murderers and downpressors must be brought to (human) trial. As a matter of fact, that was such a coward act as well as a manipulation from M6 to tell the guy: "snake out of morocco, I don't want to see you anymore"...followed by the creation of the IER institute. That's basically the same procédé Algier used as far the Concorde Civile is concerned. It is deeply unfair.


Citaat van: Amzwaru op 30/08/2007 om 17:06:06
Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 16:51:00

That's the pantheistic version. Everything that once was and now is has a soul. Evil must not be given a free pass.

Yes, in a way you are right. But every soul is responsible for his own wrongdoings. He was the butcher and he did do the dirty work, yes. The rest that profited from that will also die once. Let the dogs have them too.

Yes, I easily admit that the guy deserves the meta-sanction of Hell. However, we can't reasonably expect for a criminal to be judged Upthere. Hence, in a sane and responsible country murderers and downpressors must be brought to (human) trial. As a matter of fact, that was such a coward act as well as a manipulation from M6 to tell the guy: "snake out of morocco, I don't want to see you anymore"...followed by the creation of the IER institute. That's basically the same procédé Algier used as far the Concorde Civile is concerned. It is deeply unfair.

Yes yes. I do not mean you give it all away to the good lord and stick your head up your ass, but all the punishments in the world won't be the equivalent of the wroingdoing to innocent people. But I agree, for the sake of the 'Gemeinschaft' there must be justice.

Doing like M6 did, was wrong. In a sense he washed his and his entourage's hands, gave themselves an aura of moral and civilized, but left the underlying structures unharmed. Mentally and physically. Like the whites who banned slavery but left imperialism and racism unharmed. All those things stay in people's heads, if you don't take the blame. So I feel ya man. That's no progress.


Citaat van: Wah op 30/08/2007 om 17:32:26

Yes yes. I do not mean you give it all away to the good lord and stick your head up your ass, but all the punishments in the world won't be the equivalent of the wroingdoing of innocent people. But I agree, for the sake of the 'Gemeinschaft' there must be justice.

Doing like M6 did, was wrong. In a sense he washed his and his entourage's hands, gave themselves an aura of moral and civilized, but left the underlying structures unharmed. Mental and physical. Like the whites who banned slavery but left imperialism and racism unharmed. All those things tay in poeple's head if you don't take the blame. So I feel ya, man. There's no progress.

Yes, we unsurprisingly do agree on this need/requirement of Justice.

M6 is a wizard. Abracadabra tricks like banning Basri, and he magically puts Morocco on the road to democracy. We shall not forget he is sacred and gets powers that the common being cannot even suspect.


Ik heb gehoord dat Driss Basri een Amazigh was uit de omgeving van Settat, en
hij heeft zelf een nichtje in Nador!!!!


De man is dus dood.Als 'superminister' heeft hij veel onrecht gepleegd. Verschillende individuen en groeperingen hebben geprobeerd hem voor de rechter te brengen om verantwoording af te laten leggen over zijn daden.Dat is helaas niet gelukt. Maar het staat wel vast dat Basri zijn straf in het hiernamaals niet zal ontlopen.


Yes...Basri is amazigh and ... me be Bob Dylan.

I remind you he was the one who had edited and required that stupid list of authorised names directly built up to speed up the extinction of tamazight names. That list is still used today because it was an official circulaire sent to the wilayas of maxzenland.



Citaat van: izem1986 op 03/09/2007 om 15:19:30
Citaat van: ameziane op 31/08/2007 om 21:39:05
De man is dus dood.Als 'superminister' heeft hij veel onrecht gepleegd. Verschillende individuen en groeperingen hebben geprobeerd hem voor de rechter te brengen om verantwoording af te laten leggen over zijn daden.Dat is helaas niet gelukt. Maar het staat wel vast dat Basri zijn straf in het hiernamaals niet zal ontlopen.

allah zal zijn arabische dienaren niet straffen hoor
hahaha  jij bent niet grap...hahaha