The etymology of the word “Berber"

Gestart door Samir!, 24/08/2007 om 20:58:21


For some people, the origin of the word “Berber” would be Greek; their argument rely on the fact that the Greeks called people who spoke a language other than Greek “the Barbarians”. For the Arabs, the above word would be borrowed from Arabic, since in this language there is the verb “Barbara” (to roar) and “Al-barbarah” (“roar” and by extension, incomprehensible language - the equivalent of “baragouin”, meaning gibberish, the name given to the Breton language by the French).
But, in my view, these hypotheses rely on no logic, because in that period, the Berbers were not the only ones with whom the Romans or the Arabs had contacts. Why therefore other people as the Copts, the Kurds, the Sudanese, the Iranians, the Basques, etc, who spoke languages completely different from Latin and Arabic, had not been called “barbarians / Berbers”?

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Ik ben niet meer geinteresseerd in deze amazigh geschiedenis, maar ik heb er ook een aantal meningen over geschreven, en dat zou hier kunnen lezen (ik herinner me niet precies wat ik geschreven had):
About  the name Berber [Dit van wikipedia kan ook door anderen gewijzigd worden]