
Vocabulary request

Gestart door Camaron'N'IstIgliwa, 31/01/2007 om 13:40:33


Citaat van: Hadou op 02/02/2007 om 22:56:01
hahaha. Dank je !
Ik ben in Arif geboren en opgegroeid :)
abe3uc / ibe3uccen = insecten.



This we call : ''Thagyutc n Jeddi'' ( my grandfathers female donkey)

NL = Pissebedden.  ( 3afak Attas Rbaaz ;) )
Fr = isopodes.



Tarifiet ( Nador) = Rwedhwadh.
Tarifiet ( Al Houciema) = Aberdjwadh or Djerwadh.

Rbaaz says it is called in original Tamazight : tillibaoubaou.
( but i never heard this before. Only Bou3bou3, see after this quote)

NL= vleermuis.
Fr = Batte ( chauve sourie ?)
arabic = الخفاش ( plural = الخفافيش) ( spoken as: al xaffac ( al khaffash), plural spoken as : ( al xafafiec , al khafafiesh)

bron / link : arabic = الخفاش 



This we call Buccer. ( buc-cer) ( NL: boechaer)
also called as bouábouá. ( bou3-bou3).
but i don t know for shure.

NL = aardslak / akkerslak / naaktslak.
Fr = Limace. 



This we call in Tharifiet : Aghrar . ( aghrar n tmurth or aghrar n wenzar²) means : ( earth snail or rain-snails²).

NL = Slak. (plural = slakken)
Fr = escargot.



En hoe nomen we een lintworm?


Wijze les biologie van Dhr/Dr hadou ;D kheb ook een vraag hoe noemen jullie wespen en bijen...wij hebben een hele leuke benaming voor!



this is we call in Tarifiet : Artila. or Awridji.
I learned also the name : Bunief. ( Bou- niff).

NL = Spin
Fr = araignéa. Eng = Spider.


Lintwormen = Imighziwen

bijen en wesp : thizizwa en yazza. scroll terug , pagina 2 en 3.



This we call '' thamcet* n yechtan ''. it named at a horse-hair - comb. ( is genaamd naar paarden-haarkam)
NL = duizendpoot* ( 1000 feet)
Fr = chilopodes.

*in dutch ''duizendpoot'' means also a man / woman with al lot of various jobs/ hobby's.


this we call in Tharifit : Thgherdhent ( th-gher-dhent). best word = Thgerdhent n ijdhi / tmurth.
NL = schorpioen.
Fr = scorpion.

Also we call thgardent for crab. thgherdent n reb7a. But i am not so shure.


Tip: al die woorden die met een "r" beginnen mag aan de arabische kant schuiven. rwatwat is een arabisch woord, als voorbeeld.

Ik heb een vraagje, hoe noemen we een Olifant en een varken in het Berbers. [To ait Deren, how do you call the Eelephant and pork in your dialect?!]

Nog een vraagje over de betekenis van Tamsamant, wat zou dit betekenen?

Bij voorbaat dank,


A lot of the words we use today starting with the letter R or others letters maybe are from Arabic, Hindi, Farssi ( Iran), Europe and caucasian area.
It does not mean that they found them. But that appeals the Imazighen route they take.
Originaly we are from the Caspian area, hunderd of thousand years ago. So we spred our blood and language. Not as Amazigh but formely known as Human.

Rcighedh (R-Ci-Ghe-Dh) is paper ( papier). In arabic it named as al waraq. not as al-kaghit. Al kaghit is verbal translated from Rcighed.

Elephant ( Olifant) . Is now known as El Fiel!.
Yeahhhh.. also in arabic named AL Fiel.
Varken, ( pig) ( couchon) = i-reff.
Zwijn = i-reff n uzghar / i-reff n rexra.

Tamsaman = Tamsa- aman. Tamsa n waman)
Tamsa =vlakte,  aman = water.
Tamsaman = watervlakte.
Tamsamant = vrouw uit tamsaman , language of tamsamant or trade label ® from tamsaman.
       dat is wat ik denk het is.

The word for the Bat ( vleermuis) is R-wad-wad. I gave the arabic word for the bat.

If you have a link for me that i am wrong, please show it to me.


Thanks for the answer on Tamsamant. Is it an established fact or is it your opinion.

Did you mean that the berber word for elephant is el-fiel?! I don't think so, who doesn't speak arabic at all won't say that.

Another arabic word for "bat" is "watwaat", you may have heart of "arrajolo el watwaat" which means "batman";

I don't know what is the origin of "rchighedh".


Tamsamant answer is a little fact but I can't claim the truth about my version. It is my opinion. You r welcome.
Well , i don t want to negotiate the source of the words. I only write the kind of the word / name , that we in Arif use for insects or animals.
Yes most of people call Elephant today AL Fiel. Because we don t have them in our country, we learned the names of the arabic and french books or television (arabic and french and spanish).
Also for the bear ( NL beer) we say Dubbu.
arabic = a dub.
BTW if you know a better word, please tell us.

When i was a kid of age of 9 years , i used to enter a cave. and catch the bats ;D