

Gestart door Lezer, 16/01/2007 om 16:18:52


Citaat van: 0x8000ffff op 16/01/2007 om 16:52:52
Tafnakht was een Egyptische farao van Berberse oorsprong. Hij was een man, maar zijn naam is vrouwelijk.  In ieder geval zou zich geen "scheurtje" noemen. :)

zn vrouw zou toch wel scheurtje genoemd kunnen worden

ps waarom stel jij vragen en geef je daar zelf antwoord op in al jouw topics? Ben jij Afra die weer terug is?


Maar ik gaf nog geen antwoord. Waar geef ik een antwoord op mijn vraag?!


Zou het dan "Tabnikt" zijn?! :D (Mbtizaziouse interpretations!)


Citaat van: 0x8000ffff op 16/01/2007 om 16:56:16
Citaat van: Memma op 16/01/2007 om 16:50:17
wellicht dat si tafnakht hiermee te maken heeft hij was een amazigh volgens chafiq
Ja, maar hij is bekend als "Libier" omdat de berbers vroeger bekend waren als "Libiers" (Libyan in English). Daarom spreekt men soms van "Libyco-Berber civilization".

mli7, maar verandert dat wat aan het aandeel van deze ''scheur'' en imazighen in het algemeen in het benamen van tifinagh?




For our guest "Ait Deren" (Just for laughing: Deren is somehow similar to "Dieren" in Dutch, which means "Animals" :0)

Tafnakht was an Egyptian Pharaoh with a Libyan background. "Libyan" was the ancient name of the Berbers in antiquity. (If you need more information, just ask it).

My purpose with this questions was tracing the meaning of the word "Tifinagh".
Like as you know "Tifinagh" is interpretted by some as "Phoenician", which is incorrect from my point of view. Why:
It has never been proven that the Berbere alphabet is derived from the Phoenician script.
It is unlikely that the Phoenicians had called themselves "Phoenicians", neither they were called by the Berber like that. It supposed to be a Greek word. Did we use Greek names for the other nations?

Why do i believe that the word "tafnakht" is related to the word "Tifinagh"?
I already knew that the "gh" is changeable in "Q" and "Kh" in the Berber language. This a well-known fact.
So; I tried to read it like: Tifinakh and Tifinaq. (The second one was used to emphasize that Tifinagh is referring to the Phoenicians.)
Well, after i had two new words: Tifinaq and Tifinakh, i supposed that "Tifinakh" is plural form which has to be retraced to its singular form. Therefore, i supposed that "tafnakht" would be the singular form of that name.


Citaat van: Memma op 16/01/2007 om 17:02:55

mli7, maar verandert dat wat aan het aandeel van deze ''scheur'' en imazighen in het algemeen in het benamen van tifinagh?
Zie mijn bovenstaande bericht in Engels.


Citaat van: 0x8000ffff op 16/01/2007 om 16:54:40
Citaat van: Aït Deren op 16/01/2007 om 16:51:54
I understood the aim of your question.

But that is very difficult, if you don't have any ancient language dictionaries (akkadian, amharic, ancient egyptian).
Why would we need such dictionaries?! It is a Berber name.

Because loads of berber words' etymology can be found through punic, akkadian dictionaries.


I don't think so. If there were punic dictionaries, we would then have some ancient berber words.

Edit: punic language existec only in Northwest africa, as far as i know.


Citaat van: 0x8000ffff op 16/01/2007 om 17:13:36
For our guest "Ait Deren" (Just for laughing: Deren is somehow similar to "Dieren" in Dutch, which means "Animals" :0)

Tafnakht was an Egyptian Pharaoh with a Libyan background. "Libyan" was the ancient name of the Berbers in antiquity. (If you need more information, just ask it).

My purpose with this questions was tracing the meaning of the word "Tifinagh".
Like as you know "Tifinagh" is interpretted by some as "Phoenician", which is incorrect from my point of view. Why:
It has never been proven that the Berbere alphabet is derived from the Phoenician script.
It is unlikely that the Phoenicians had called themselves "Phoenicians", neither they were called by the Berber like that. It supposed to be a Greek word. Did we use Greek names for the other nations?

Why do i believe that the word "tafnakht" is related to the word "Tifinagh"?
I already knew that the "gh" is changeable in "Q" and "Kh" in the Berber language. This a well-known fact.
So; I tried to read it like: Tifinakh and Tifinaq. (The second one was used to emphasize that Tifinagh is referring to the Phoenicians.)
Well, after i had two new words: Tifinaq and Tifinakh, i supposed that "Tifinakh" is plural form which has to be retraced to its singular form. Therefore, i supposed that "tafnakht" would be the singular form of that name.

(What a coincidence! I myself look like an animal...:D
Deren is like Eden...the Eden on Earth. :D )

May be your link to the word Tifinagh is correct.

I've read phenicians are known for being a synonym for berber, given notably that the vessel were said to be of major berber population.

Why can't this word be a toponym, or a tribe attribut?