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Berichten - Maroccaan

Algemeen / Ahmed Adghrini
02/06/2008 om 14:22:03
Arab Nationalists Attack Berber Activists over Ties with Israel 

Following is a debate on Amazigh [Berber] identity in North Africa, which aired on Al-Alam TV on March 2, 2008:

Algerian journalist Anwar Al-Malek: The new racially-oriented political parties, which claim to be calling for the revival of the Amazigh language are, in fact, what could be called "Amazighist" parties. They have no relation whatsoever to the time-honored Amazigh civilization. If we examine these parties' platforms, we see that these are secular parties that are loyal to foreign elements. These parties are guided from abroad, and they are not a domestic phenomenon, because we know full well that the Amazigh people keep true to Islamic civilization.


I would like to stress that there is a campaign to Christianize the Amazigh movement in Algeria, and there is also a campaign to Zionize the Amazigh movement in Morocco.


Ahmed Adghrini, Secretary-General of the Moroccan Amazigh Democratic Party: It was said here that the Amazigh people has dissolved into Islam. In response, I'd like to ask my colleagues to show some respect for Islam, and not drag religion into the dissolution of any given people. Islam did not come to dissolve anyone, but to guide people to the worship of Allah and to the path of righteousness.


The banner that our forefathers carried when they converted to Islam is the same banner we carry today, and we do not need any [other] racial group to give us our Islam. I would like to highlight two models: The model of Iraq, where there is a new constitution, which has converted the pan-Arabist Iraq into a pluralist and tolerant Iraq that recognizes all its ethnic groups. The second model comes from our region â€" Mauritania. This country has emerged from a regime of slavery â€" a regime of slave trade and the enslavement of black people â€" into a new state with a new constitution that accepts pluralism.


Ahmed bin Nu'man: He said that Iraq changed its constitution in order to erase its [Arab] identity. Iraq, the cradle of the Beit Al-Hikma and the Arab-Islamic civilization, was the world's teacher for 10 centuries. Now, [Adghirni] wants to shatter Iraq into pieces, and create in it a "Quebecistan." The same people who created "Quebecistan," which our Moroccan colleague brought as a model, are the Sykes-Picot of the Arab Maghreb, who went to create "Berberistan" or "Quebecistan" in the Arab Maghreb.

Interviewer: Dr. Ahmed, please. Let's go to Dr. Ahmed Adghirni. You are being accused of creating a "Berberistan" in the Arab Maghreb. How do you respond?

Ahmed Adghrini: First of all, I don't call it "Arab Maghreb," just the “Maghreb,” because "Arab Maghreb" is a racist name that wipes out all other ethnicities. We are black, we are brown, we are yellow â€" we are African peoples. It's not correct to just call us Arabs. There are Arabs who live alongside us. They are part of our family and citizens of our country, but the racist approach advocated by some traditionalists, like the two brothers speaking here with me â€" I respect their views, but they aren't modernists. They belong to the past. Today there is a new program. First of all, we are a new kind of Muslim, with pluralist principles. The others are sick with the disease of a so-called unity that dissolves everybody. They must not unite people through compulsion. Islam forbids this. The Koran says: "We made you into peoples and tribes so that you may know. Indeed, the most honorable in Allah's eyes is the one who is most righteous."


Anwar Al-Malek: One Moroccan activist, Muhammad Al-Kajiri, said something very grave. He said: "I think that it is the right of the Moroccan Amazigh Democratic Party to visit the democratic state of Israel." "Democratic" Israel! He also described Israel as a friend, and said: "It is the Jewish people that suffers from siege, fear, and racial discrimination by the despotic pan-Arab regimes."

Interviewer: Do you deny that you have visited Israel?

Ahmed Adghrini: Our platform promotes religious tolerance, and we take pride in the Jewish part of our country, and we have relations with the Jews of Israel as well. As you know, there are about a million people of Moroccan nationality in Israel. They are Moroccans who left Morocco, as a result of pressure from Arab nationalists and threats like those leveled at me today.


Why do you want to impose on us your program of unity? You exploit the Islamic faith, the qibla, and the holy sites to spread your racist ideology.


We promote a new ideology. It is difficult for the fossilized pan-Arabs to understand what religious tolerance mans. It is difficult for them to understand what ethnic diversity means.


Ahmed bin Nu'man: There were Jews before and after the advent of Islam. One of the Jews who lived after the advent of Islam was 'Abdullah bin Al-Salam, who was one of the companions closest to the Prophet in Al-Madina. Another [Jew], 'Abdullah bin Ubay, was the greatest hypocrite in history. Since our Moroccan colleague is called Ahmed, I'm assuming he's a Muslim, because Jews are not called by this name. I ask him: Are you from the school of' Abdallah bin Al-Salam. I ask him: Are you from the school of 'Abdullah bin Al-Salam, whose heart was changed by Islam, and who became part of the Islamic nation and of Muhammad's nationality â€" against which he is fighting today - or is he from the school of 'Abdullah bin Ubay?


I am a Berber from the mountains of Algeria, and I am proud of that. I am an Algerian who was Arabized by Islam. I am Algerian by geography, and Arab-Muslim by history.

Ahmed Adghrini: Islam does not "Arabize." It is a religion that guides people to the path of righteousness.

Of klik hierop   als je het debat liever online wilt bekijken
Geschiedenis / Arab Myths
31/05/2008 om 22:27:51
Myths, Hypotheses and Facts


It happens frequently that the word Arab is misused on purpose for political strategy: 1) by applying this term as an ethnic definition to the Arabized peoples (mainly North-Africans), in order to increase the number of the Arab population, and 2) in a quite improper way, by calling "Arab" to ancient peoples that existed in the Middle East in order to claim historic rights and legitimate the Arab occupation

Citaat van: Izwan op 30/05/2008 om 10:08:44

Wie zijn berbers? Zijn er bewijzen dat de berbers de eerste bewoners van Marokko zijn?

Genetic evidence

In general, genetic evidence appears to indicate that most North Africans (whether they consider themselves Berber or Arab) are predominantly of Berber origin and that populations ancestral to the Berbers have been in the area since the Upper Paleolithic era.

Citaat van: Maghribi hor op 23/04/2008 om 11:14:58
Citaat van: ZeroTolerance op 22/04/2008 om 20:10:59
Ja die (arabs) verkopen zelfs hun moeder of zus voor geld, laat staan land.

Maar we verkopen nog eerder jou zus en jou moeder en jou land pikken we in en maken we Arabisch, we maken jou half-Arabische tweederangsburger en er is niets wat jij er tegen kan doen behalve je frustraties anoniem uiten op het net. Wat zielig voor je, ik krijg gewoon medelijden met je.
Is dat nou een bevestiging van hoe ze werklijk zijn?
Citaat van: Berkoekes op 19/04/2008 om 18:39:03
Citaat van: el Commandante op 19/04/2008 om 17:25:56
Ighzar ameqran van ait touzine?

Het lijkt er wel op. Ons huis staat daar precies boven.
Afgelopen zomer maakte ik een paar foto's van dit  ighzar
ga ik komende week plaatsen.
Citaat van: *-RiFFijn0s-* op 19/04/2008 om 18:34:48
Citaat van: el Commandante op 19/04/2008 om 17:25:56
Ighzar ameqran van ait touzine?
Nee, dit is de Ouad al Palestine, die stroomt door Saudie-Arabië en Jordanië, macha-allah, echt mooi man.
Hoe kom je bij Ait Touzine? Bedoel je dat achterlijke stammetje in die Rif? zonde voor de digitale camera joh.   

Maha'Allah echt mooi man. Palastina is best wel mooi vindje niet?
Citaat van: *-RiFFijn0s-* op 16/04/2008 om 16:06:15
Citaat van: el Commandante op 12/04/2008 om 15:35:20
kinderachtig gedoe altijd

Arabieren zijn onze broeders a idioten

Nog steeds niet van die rotonde af? Nog steeds verkerend in een identiteitscrisis? Ik weet is moeilijk jonge, blijf positief. 

liever op de rotonde waar je nog foutloos bent dan als een dwaas vliegensvlug en zonder bij na te denken de verkeerde afslag neemt.

Tjonge, sjonnie jongen.
Toen ik je de verkeerde afslag zag nemen heb ik je geprobeerd te waarschuwen
maar ja, jij bent net zo koppig als de vierpoot waarop jij zat a sjonny boy ;D
Politiek / Re: Rmakhzan heeft last van islam
16/04/2008 om 14:25:10
Dghirmi bouIzzan moet gewoon z'n snavel dichthouden.
kinderachtig gedoe altijd

Arabieren zijn onze broeders a idioten
Citaat van: My ummah op 10/04/2008 om 13:25:34
Ik zou heel graag wat willen doneren, maar op dit moment ben ik blut.

Ik ben wel van plan om ze te steunen tijdens de marathon, Incha'allah. Het is trouwens wel een leuke actie.
Op dit moment ben ik ook bezig met het organiseren van een actie voor een goede doel. Dit zal over een
aantal maanden plaats vinden incha'allah.

Kan jij dan ook eindelijk je zakken vullen eh :(
Citaat van: Samir! op 10/04/2008 om 11:47:33
Stichting Share A Smile! is opgericht uit liefde voor kinderen, kennis en uit het gevoel en de behoefte om onze bevoorrechte positie te delen met anderen. Kinderen in Marokko in dit geval. We willen als stichting een bijdrage leveren aan de stimulering van educatie op het Marokkaanse platteland. Daarmee willen we tevens een positieve impuls geven aan de motivatie en leergierigheid van basischool leerlingen.

Deze kinderen moeten vaak lange afstanden afleggen om naar school te kunnen en helaas liggen schoolmiddelen die voor ons hier zo vanzelfsprekend zijn niet voor het oprapen op het platteland. Daarnaast worden helaas nog steeds kinderen thuis gehouden uit angst voor de gevaren op de lange weg naar school, maar ook om bijvoorbeeld op het land te helpen.

Door onze bescheiden bijdrage willen we deze kinderen een positieve impuls geven. Waarom? Omdat school ook leuk kan zijn en kennis macht is. Educatie biedt deze kinderen de mogelijkheid om zich te ontwikkelen en tot geleerde volwassen mensen uit te groeien. Mensen die niet alleen voor zichzelf het verschil maken, maar ook voor hun gezin en omgeving.

Stichting Share a Smile! investeert zo letterlijk in de toekomst, één glimlach per keer.


Ik geloof niet meer in al die Marokkaanse stichtingen en in de Maro Orga's.
Allemaal dieven
Verhalen / Re: verkrachting
24/03/2008 om 15:19:05
laat maar