For a greater autonomy in the Rif

Gestart door Idir, 08/03/2008 om 14:40:48


For a greater autonomy in the Rif

This press release is intended for a public debate between the various actors in the Rif. It is open for signature within and outside the country and are ready to serve as a background for meetings and consultations.

â€" Taking into consideration the general objectives of the regime of autonomies, which are those of democracy, and development.

â€" View the grave situation of our language and identity, they have no protection.

â€" Given that the economic, political, social and cultural Rif calls the quest for a new political and democratic tool where Rifians assume themselves to manage their regional affairs and the development of their countries after failure from the politics of the centre.

â€" View the need for changes from Morocco to a federal system that contrasts with the Jacobinism.

â€" View the compared experiences that have upheld regimes of autonomy and federalism, such as Canada, Belgium, the Swiss community, Germany and Spain where, despite the differences in their application, the regimes of autonomy and federalism for the regions and nations are among the most advanced and more egalitarian democracies .

â€" Considering the basis of autonomy as stipulated by the International Convention and detailed in the compared constitutions .

â€" Affirming along that Rifians are convinced of the need for them to assume responsibility for their country, the Rif, who suffers from the policy of Jacobinism in all areas, as well as to play a decisive role in the democratic change that must live Morocco.

â€" Recognizing also that the regime of autonomy is to be allocated to the region, in the broadest sense of territory, the legislative, executive, judicial and without prejudice to State sovereignty, such an allocation is likely to stress the strength of the democratic state.

â€" Rejecting the overall situation facing the Rif that is a situation born of long decades where the state has refrained from Jacobin to listen to the voice of our region without any consideration for the aspirations of Rifians to development and progress.

â€" Owing to the continuous depletion of wealth and money in our province who are transferred to centres determined while Rifains are doomed to poverty and emigration.

We, who are a group of actors in the Rif, address this letter on how urgently to the attention of world public opinion to express our conscience and our commitment for the granting of a broad autonomy to the province, which autonomy is the exclusive remedy for democratic management.

Thus, in determining the latter briefly, Rif province is part of the country Thmazgha. The Rif is situated on the Mediterranean coast of Marrakesh. And for Rifians, in addition to those who reside in their province, they are spreading in large numbers in many cities of Marrakesh, and they are is still among the residents to "Dzayar" (Algeria) where they had emigrated since the second half of the XIX th century and where the emigration of Rifians was intensified in the 30’s and 40’s of the last century because of the famine that was rampant in their country. Later, the Rifians spread massively in Western European country such as Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland,... where the number of immigrant from Rif is more or less important.

But these Rifians remain, in spite of all these forced migrations, attached to their Amazigh original identity, despite the Arabization of large groups of them, which Arabization were intensively, but never finalized, and this precisely because of their roots in history where they had played the roles of leadership and their self-identity, the contemporary colonialism and the state founded in the country of Marrakesh since 1955 spared nothing to fight against the Rif and its political aspirations, and it may be recalled that some of the Rifians mistakes by political and contemporary history also worked against the interest of our province.

In order for Rifians to preserve their identity, to overcome their past mistakes, and to achieve their political aspirations, there is no doubt that a broad autonomy for their province is the only just solution to their situation, for them who had deployed huge sacrifices for their identity and freedom.

Because so Rifians had always had a history rooted in this country where they had continually defended their land and liberty, and were the first to have provided much of the negotiations with other Mediterraneans as well as the different states of Marrakech, Rifains those who were the first to build the firsts States, as the State of Nékour which is whipped out from the official history, the big states in Marrakech had never worked in the past for any regional identity combat, and the Rif safeguarding infallibly its own entity for managing its affairs including tribal unions.

Because the bonds of recognition of the Rif vis-à-vis the different states of Marrakech had never in such a situation served at the expense of its social, political and cultural root systems of us and tribal confederations is a historical reality especially well in the Rif that overall Marrakesh, although the official and foreign ideologies have classified in the category of the World siba.

And then came the resistance to Spanish colonialism whose Rifians were spearheaded since the first battles that led the tribes of the Eastern Rif through the first resistance, and then the second, the most grandiose, which reached its apogee with the founding of the Rif Republic, the most exciting in the memory of Rifains, that the unknowd world even fought through membership in a military alliance and which even used internationally banned chemical weapons, and whose are still producing negative effects at the present day, up to the accession of Rifians to the Liberation Army. An equally rich history of resistance, obviously can not be explained without assessing correctly the Rif region as a region apart.

This same assessment of the Rif was going to confirm itself again elsewhere, with the uprising of 1058-1959 where Rifians expressed their aspiration for a ruling that recognized their right, having regard to their sacrifices for the independence and also their specificity, which was again bloody reprimed with prohibited extermination weapons . On the other hand, these events tell us how much Rifians have a strong tendency to rule them self their own region.

Then these events suffered by the Rif will reflect negatively on his political future. Thus, in addition to the exclusion he suffered because of the official policy of the government, all political parties were working against it by hiring local elites who put on the path of drift and hence the Rif remained in the political and partisan officials consciences as a source of anarchy.

On the other hand, the Rif was isolated in its strict traditional structures of production being excluded from all the central economic plans despite all his human, natural, financial and geostrategic abilities; also its strengths, while still paying taxes and service the debt repayment at the expense of Rifians, where revenue raised by the State were still managed to a limit of the Atlantic side axis.

Thus, the overall situation facing the Rif had a serious negative effect on our society who was forced to the monopoly of an arabizating education, marginalization of rifiane women who were substituted for another model of a woman, the elite of the great cities, the spread of unemployment, which had precisely the conditions only responsible for the events of 1984. Such a social situation was clearly negative in view of this massive emigration of the native population in the region that was not natural because it was supported by the center which is planned to emigrate, and the active population as well as families of our community towards other place, while moving a large population of Arab immigrants in our region, which were designed to introduce a profound change in the demographic structure of the Rif, all these activities are well on Policy regimes that projected to destroy the identity of a specific society. Later, the center, realizing that such large successive generations of Rifians moved to Western Europe for half a century ago, began to gain the sympathy of the latter by a foreign policy that is projected to legitimized itself, while the center had always remained the sole beneficiary of the money transfer from all the big world.

In addition rifians elites remained far from any support to the countrie of origin and the majority of them are prisoners of various ideological or allied Makhzen, which allowed the center to tame the Rifians with total disregard for their interests and their identity. This means that the Rif lived a crisis of the elites, failures which we all need to catch up, of course.

Then it was the advent of Amazigh Movement actors and Rifians Democrats, who were questioning about the Amazigh culture and identity of the Rif by a situation monopolized by the Arab identity of the state and its elites, and began to compare Political Affairs and its developmental, even international, the latter had never been an object of interest for the central power who classify them on behalf of other priorities on the Atlantic coast, the Sahara .

The Amazigh Movement in the Rif attracted public attention to the profound socio-economical and political effect enshrined in a Jacobin state that destroyed the rifian society organization, who were at a high democratic point without any intervention from the center. The movement also pointed to the serious effect of a dedicated administrative regionalism by an approach of the State concerned about the domination of the territories without the slightest concern for any development in the latter categorically denying that the future of any Territory will be decided by the citizens who live there. The earthquake that recently struck the Rif, causing hundreds of deaths was very indicative of the marginalization of our province by a State that does not even took the trouble to declare a national mourning and whose intervention was late and innocuous.

The territorial division of the Rif remains strong criticism since it is absurd to attach it to the regions that are heterogeneous. This division, stipulated by decree, thus excludes the right of citizens to identify themselves by their regional. As for the institutional point of view, despite the proposed regionalization that evidence have been distorted to the same region to appoint a rural commune, as was stipulated by a text of the constitution as it was amended in 1992 by advocating and beyond part of the Dahir of 16/06/1971 and in response to the 80’s controversy on the region, this constitutional injunction, confirmed in the 1996 amendment, not reflected never provided the real aspirations of a region like the Rif, and the organization in the region and regionalization was subject to a interconcertation between the palace and parties whose approach was very narrow and surrounded by precautions. Then the Amazigh Movement, not only in the Rif, but in other areas too, launched its appeal to federalism claim that whatever was allocated in the first instance from a defect in the design and a disruption strictly to the order of the properties.

Federalism as a modern constitutional and institutional diversity management has put into question the territorial division for a decentralization of power and a dual structure of the state, which is formed as a result of the components of the federation and the federal union, and it refers to a repository certainly different from that of the state and its elites who advocate a model of regionalization based on an administrative decentralization monopolized by the walis whose strength and power are drawn by their deployment to a Dahir.

If the federal claim recalls more of self-Amazigh pattern than the rejected administrative regionalization , it’s in view of positive changes that have occurred in several countries in the world. The Amazigh Movement in search of better systems for managing the diversity of our country and soon found himself open on the experience of autonomies, which proved a better profit, political participation, cultural areas, and balance developmental countries.

If, however, the Moroccan state and its elites long remained committed to regionalization model à la française, international pressure on the Sahara issue will push to introduce draft autonomy, the palace referring in this case " Regionalization broad "which remains ambiguous and without guarantees, and under the pretext of the priority of the Sahara, does point in our democratic right to autonomy in the Rif.

If the plan of autonomy is a highly evolved on the organization and management of the affairs of parties and provinces, and the International law recognizes as an opportunity for self-determination of peoples and to take charge by their own business, however, the scheme succeeds best in countries where the movement for its claim are dynamic, and where is the centrifugal pressures, which empowers us, we Rifians today to adopt a rifian political action cleanly as the only recourse. It is therefore worth noting that the autonomy - and therefore federalism, as a generalized system - are not yet sufficiently assimilated by the regional elites and do not constitute a priority as is the case in the Rif.

It is therefore high time that we accede to the demand for a broad autonomy for the Rif, and that initiates a regional debate between the various actors in the country for a conceptualization of autonomy which draws on international repositories and that meets the ambitions of Rifians for governing themselves, the focus of our region, although some, and with exquisite as our strategy a federal Marrakech and a reunification of the civilizational and geopolitical North Africa, and where each Amazighs will help each other in accordance with the guarantees provided both by National Law and Public International Law.

It is also an obvious question because this constitution which we want to change do not recognize the Amazigh, while the public international interlocutors recognize only sovereign states. We are therefore condemned to live on the margins of time and being spectators from internal, provincial and world changes, where our words does not count, those mutations seriously harm our vital interests and are sabotaging our ambitions. So we must, we "Irifyyen" decide for our continuity, which is dependent of the preservation of our identity, for the development of our abilities, and for the progress of our social, political and economic life, or by contrast, dispose in front of the Moroccan state and its elites, and accept the loss of our identity and the disposition of our existence, and thus devote to underdevelopment, to emigration and dispersal as if we were a people without land, or without own identity, and let the Jacobin State presenting us "development models" to weaken us, and models of culture to deprive us of our identity and definitely control our province.

By contrast, the regime of broad autonomy is the undeniable solution to the increasingly growing awareness by Rifians the need for them to self-government, which solution get a consent and an international sympathy too. This is the only way - we bet - which will release the Rif economy from the marginalization, of its cultural assimilation and Guardianship policy exerted on him by a system that serves Jacobinism and dependence vis-à-vis panarabism .



Based on all this, then, and:

Given that the regime of broad autonomy must provide and guarantee constitutional and institutional immunity to the Amazigh language and identity of our province, in a broad and integral sense in its territory,

Given the freedom that it must provide to the elites and to the society in our province for us to build our own model of development and progress,

Given the legal argument for the self managing of the rifians wealthware, and the commitment part of the State to indemnify and invest in our province for having marginalized it for a long time,

Considering the important leeway that this should give our province to provide its contribution to foreign affairs in accordance with the world conditions over the regimes of autonomy, and in collaboration with the Moroccan State,

Given that this must equip our province with political and constitutional institutions for getting the legislative, executive and judicial power necessary for that citizens can manage their own affairs, and contribute to the exercise of power in accordance with their Provincial border and their strategic interests,

We, who are a group of actors in the Rif, thus claiming a large degree of autonomy for our region based on the following:

â€" 1) formalization of the Amazigh language.

â€" 2) the development of criteria to be used to delineate the boundaries of the Rif on the merits of a broad dialogue among Rifians only, and the Moroccan state should not impose any border order for our province.

â€" 3) The empowerment of the Rif must give it a democratic regime with broad authority, which draws international benchmarks within the bounds of respect for the Moroccan state.

â€" 4) The rehabilitation of the Rif case as an exception in a transitional stage in accordance with a clear procedure which takes into account the conditions necessary for a reorganization of the province in the various fields of development.

â€" 5) The division of authority between the Rif and the center so as to call to account the socio-cultural and historical factors, the economic situation in the Rif and its nature as Frontier Province and the Mediterranean.

â€" 6) The concept of the "Rif as Frontier Province" meaning he has political borders with Melilla and Ceuta islands, in light of the Spanish colonization of these territories which are parts of the global rifians territory and coastal , relations between Rif and these towns and islands must be submitted to a distinguished report, provisionally, of course, and according to what dictates the relations of autonomous provinces border in relation with trafficking of persons, goods and other property. In the perspective of a recovery of the two towns and islands in the province of Rif.

â€" 7) The empowerment of the legislative and executive branches to be submitted by universal suffrage and shall exercise in the limits of their powers.

â€" 8) The election of the president of the Rif government must emanate from a majority of the vote through a universal suffrage, which chairman will be supposed to be accountable vis-à-vis the regional parliament Rif only.

â€" 9) The creation of a Supreme rifian court that assumes the highest judicial office in the Rif.

â€" 10) The creation of courts by the Rifian government in accordance with legal requirements in the province.

â€" 11) The institutionalization of a justice who falls within the purview of the province and the determination by the constitution of those being of national courts responsibility.

â€" 12) The judicial authorities in the province must comply with the levels of courts under their jurisdiction, as well as the judicial bodies of the Moroccan state as the constitutional council.

â€" 13) Rifians regional parties representing the interests of the respective Rifians.

â€" 14) The allocation to Rifians the right to open and dispose themselves of rifians banks.

â€" 15) The rifian authorities must assume management of the overall budget of the region, and for this reason, the government must prepare a Rif finance bill to be submitted to Rif parliament, as must assume those authorized in the area of the administration, the tax and the tax for the Rif.

â€" 16) The creation of a rifian system of administration and police .

â€" 17) Cooperation between the Rif government and the State relatively to Foreign Affairs in relation to the Rif.

â€" 18) The injunction to the constitution of the principle of the autonomy of Rif and all the principles of autonomy that will stipulate the constitutional law of the state.

19) The institutionalization of a rifian constitution governing the organization of autonomy in the Rif in respect of the constitution of the State.


Mooi stukje Idir. thanx for het posten. is weer wat anders dan die dagelijkse onzin als film van wilders.

tqadigh cek

Maghribi hor

You can forget that shit. The Rif remains a part of Morocco like any other part. Governed by HM Mohammed VI.


Citaat van: Maghribi hor op 17/03/2008 om 11:48:52
You can forget that shit. The Rif remains a part of Morocco like any other part. Governed by HM Mohammed VI.


Autonomy means that you still belongs to a land. So, Maghribi, your arguments are not right.

Autonomy in Morrocco is needed, because in a democratic land, that respect the human rights, one man(M6) or system (Maghzen)  cannot drive or rules a big country like  Morocco. So the power must be autonomized, let the people decide what their vision must be for their region.

Centralisation of power in Rabat, doesn't work. Enough with the Centralisation. I prefer the autonomy for Rif and all other regions in Morocco.

Maghrabi, you can't deny the voice and movement for an autonome Rif. The first step for an autonomy of the Rif is already taken.........

D wenni netta,


Maghribi hor

There is no guarantee that the autonomy will stop the corruption of leaders, politicians, cops, army and others in the Rif. The corruption cashflow will only change direction toward others. Thats Morocco man.

Rabat will think: today autonomy and tomorrow independence, no way. And I see no start of this autonomy of the Rif. As far as i'm concerned the Palace still rules the hole of the country right from the cabinet of the king.

Your ancestors thought they could get their independence once by force, they got beat up a bit. Now you think you can get your autonomy. I invite you to go tell them that in Rabat right in the center of the power, see what happens. They will probably respect our huma rights nowadays because your considered to be a foreinger. 

What is your first step like?


Marokko is als een huis, waarvan het fundament naar de klote is. De eigenaar probeert met man en macht te voorkomen dat het instort, maar op een dag houd het op.

De schandalige regering in rabat, probeert Marokko bij elkaar te houden door middel van geweld en angst.

Zodra zich de kans voordoet, zal denk ik elke bevolkingsgroep er gebruik van maken om een eigen staat te stichten en de bestuurders in Rabat het nakijken te geven.

Een gezin houd je ook bij elkaar, en kinderen voed je op met liefde. Is dit niet het geval dan, valt het gezin uitelkaar en keren de kinderen zich tegen de kwaad doende ouder.


Heel Marokko is Amazigh land...

En de Sous willen ook autonomie.


Ik wil alle Riffijnen aanraden die denken dat de Rif het meest achtergesteld is om te kijken in de rest van Marokko. In de Atlas sterven mensen van de kou omdat er geen normale huizen of elektriciteit is. En wegen zijn er nauwelijks..

Zuid-Oost Marokko is Niger vergeleken met de Rif en vele mensen wonen daar nog in groten. Waar na het vertrek van de Fransen geen cent meer is geinvesteerd...

In 2005, 2006, 2007 waren er grote Souss opstanden in Sidi Ifni en Marrakech omdat ze vonden dat hun gebied was achtergesteld...

In Casablanca wonen een paar miljoen mensen in sloppenwijken. Paar rijke gasten bezitten alles en miljoenen bezitten daar niks...

Ook Marrakech, Agadir kent veel bittere armoede en sloppenwijken...

De mensen in het zuiden denken dat de Rif een paradijs is en dat zijn worden achtergesteld...

Ondanks dat de Rif onder Hassan II is achtergesteld is het nu bezig met een come back.

Nieuwe weggen worden aangelegd van Tanger tot Saidia, toeristenprojecten, veel bouw, opknappen van steden etc...

Tanger en Tetouan waren paar jaar geleden verrot. Daar is ook tijdens Hassan II regime geen cent geinvesteerd. Ga maar nu eens kijken wat ze daar aan het bouwen zijn...

Hetzelfde gaat gebeuren met Nador en Alhoceima. De Spaanse ontwikkelaars staan al te trappelen om daar te investeren en hebben al grond gekocht bij Nador en Alhoceima


En de Rif wordt all bestuurd door Riffijnen vele ambtenaren, burgemeesters, gemeenteraadslidden daar zijn Riffijnen...

En die zijn net zo corrupt...

Autonomie voor de Rif zal helemaal niks oplossen. De hasj dealers zullen alle macht krijgen en de corrupte Riffijnse ambtenaren zullen nog meer corrupter worden..


Ik wil even een onderscheid aangeven tussen de Rif en de rest van Marokko.
Dit is even heel zwart wit...dus neem dit niet te letterlijk.

Wij de mensen uit de Rif, brengen ontzettend veel geld binnen. Wij houden de Marokkaanse economie grotendeels draaiende voor zover de Marokkaanse economie draait.
Dan is het erg frustrerend als je daar niets van terug ziet.
in tegenstelling tot de Atlas die in mijn ogen weinig binnen brengen (mocht ik het verkeerd hebben verbeter mij dan!).
Dit is natuurlijk geen reden om deze mensen in armoede te laten leven!!

Een voorbeeld hiervan is dat alle Irifyen in het buitenland hun geld bewaren bij Marokkaanse banken. Banken hebben de wettelijke plicht om werk, voorzieningen, activiteiten etc te creeren en voorzien aan de mensen binnen een bepaald gebied waar hun klanten zich bevinden.

De banken gebruiken het geld van de mensen uit de Rif om te investeren in allerlei dingen in de grote arabische steden.

Terwijl er in de Rif erg weinig mensen zijn die een (vaste)baan hebben. Het is elke dagvechten tegen de bierkaai.
Medische voorzieningen zijn erg slecht, of zijn er helemaal niet.
(de ambulances worden gebruikt voor geld en drugstransport)
Veel gebieden hebben vandaag de dag nog geen stroom!! anno 2008 !!
De scholen staan grotendeels op instorten, de kinderen vriezen half dood in de winter!
De overheidsinstellingen zijn allemaal corrupt.
Vaak worden er mensen uit andere gebieden gehaald om in de Rif te komen werken.
Riffijnen word verboden om Tmazight te praten binnen deze overheidsinstellingen, wat voor veel mensen tot problemen leidt!

En dan is het misschien wel zo dat het er in andere gebieden erger is dan bij ons, maar dat is nog geen reden om te accepteren hoe onze vrienden en famillie in de Rif moeten leven.

Wij wonen in Nederland en klagen elke dag...stel je eens voor als daar woonde?

Die zogenaamde investeringen vinden altijd plaats tussen Tanger en S3idieja...en in Oujda!
Voor mij voldoende reden tot nadenken.

Nu pas in 2008 willen ze een stel hotels gaan bouwen in Nador en Al hoceima en verder langs de kust.
Deze projecten worden gefinancierd door de oliestaten uit het midden-oosten.
En iedereen weet waarvoor deze mensen naar Marokko komen!!


Citaat van: Uchan op 22/03/2008 om 19:11:24
Ik wil even een onderscheid aangeven tussen de Rif en de rest van Marokko.
Dit is even heel zwart wit...dus neem dit niet te letterlijk.

Wij de mensen uit de Rif, brengen ontzettend veel geld binnen. Wij houden de Marokkaanse economie grotendeels draaiende voor zover de Marokkaanse economie draait.
Dan is het erg frustrerend als je daar niets van terug ziet.
in tegenstelling tot de Atlas die in mijn ogen weinig binnen brengen (mocht ik het verkeerd hebben verbeter mij dan!).
Dit is natuurlijk geen reden om deze mensen in armoede te laten leven!!

Een voorbeeld hiervan is dat alle Irifyen in het buitenland hun geld bewaren bij Marokkaanse banken. Banken hebben de wettelijke plicht om werk, voorzieningen, activiteiten etc te creeren en voorzien aan de mensen binnen een bepaald gebied waar hun klanten zich bevinden.

De banken gebruiken het geld van de mensen uit de Rif om te investeren in allerlei dingen in de grote arabische steden.

Terwijl er in de Rif erg weinig mensen zijn die een (vaste)baan hebben. Het is elke dagvechten tegen de bierkaai.
Medische voorzieningen zijn erg slecht, of zijn er helemaal niet.
(de ambulances worden gebruikt voor geld en drugstransport)
Veel gebieden hebben vandaag de dag nog geen stroom!! anno 2008 !!
De scholen staan grotendeels op instorten, de kinderen vriezen half dood in de winter!
De overheidsinstellingen zijn allemaal corrupt.
Vaak worden er mensen uit andere gebieden gehaald om in de Rif te komen werken.
Riffijnen word verboden om Tmazight te praten binnen deze overheidsinstellingen, wat voor veel mensen tot problemen leidt!

En dan is het misschien wel zo dat het er in andere gebieden erger is dan bij ons, maar dat is nog geen reden om te accepteren hoe onze vrienden en famillie in de Rif moeten leven.

Wij wonen in Nederland en klagen elke dag...stel je eens voor als daar woonde?

Die zogenaamde investeringen vinden altijd plaats tussen Tanger en S3idieja...en in Oujda!
Voor mij voldoende reden tot nadenken.

Nu pas in 2008 willen ze een stel hotels gaan bouwen in Nador en Al hoceima en verder langs de kust.
Deze projecten worden gefinancierd door de oliestaten uit het midden-oosten.
En iedereen weet waarvoor deze mensen naar Marokko komen!!

Wat je zegt is niet waar. Emiraten investeren helemaal niks in Nador en Alhoceima. In Tanger hebben ze 1 mini project de rest is allemaal van Spaanse bedrijven en witwas...

Nador krijgt nieuwe treinspoor en toeristenprojecten voor 1 miljard euro en ze zijn al bezig met bouwen. Ze gaan de hele boulevard door trekken naar oude vliegveld.

Alhoceima krijgt resort gebouwd door Spaanse bedrijf Actif invest bij Cala Iris en nieuwe stad Badis...

In het noorden wordt voornamelijk door Spaanse bedrijven geinvesteerd en ze nog meer hebben...

Emiraten investeren helemaal niks in Marokko. De grootste investerers inMarokko zijn in 2007 Frankrijk, Spanje, Duitsland, VS etc..


Citaat van: Uchan op 22/03/2008 om 19:11:24
Ik wil even een onderscheid aangeven tussen de Rif en de rest van Marokko.
Dit is even heel zwart wit...dus neem dit niet te letterlijk.

Wij de mensen uit de Rif, brengen ontzettend veel geld binnen. Wij houden de Marokkaanse economie grotendeels draaiende voor zover de Marokkaanse economie draait.
Dan is het erg frustrerend als je daar niets van terug ziet.
in tegenstelling tot de Atlas die in mijn ogen weinig binnen brengen (mocht ik het verkeerd hebben verbeter mij dan!).
Dit is natuurlijk geen reden om deze mensen in armoede te laten leven!!

Een voorbeeld hiervan is dat alle Irifyen in het buitenland hun geld bewaren bij Marokkaanse banken. Banken hebben de wettelijke plicht om werk, voorzieningen, activiteiten etc te creeren en voorzien aan de mensen binnen een bepaald gebied waar hun klanten zich bevinden.

De banken gebruiken het geld van de mensen uit de Rif om te investeren in allerlei dingen in de grote arabische steden.

Terwijl er in de Rif erg weinig mensen zijn die een (vaste)baan hebben. Het is elke dagvechten tegen de bierkaai.
Medische voorzieningen zijn erg slecht, of zijn er helemaal niet.
(de ambulances worden gebruikt voor geld en drugstransport)
Veel gebieden hebben vandaag de dag nog geen stroom!! anno 2008 !!
De scholen staan grotendeels op instorten, de kinderen vriezen half dood in de winter!
De overheidsinstellingen zijn allemaal corrupt.
Vaak worden er mensen uit andere gebieden gehaald om in de Rif te komen werken.
Riffijnen word verboden om Tmazight te praten binnen deze overheidsinstellingen, wat voor veel mensen tot problemen leidt!

En dan is het misschien wel zo dat het er in andere gebieden erger is dan bij ons, maar dat is nog geen reden om te accepteren hoe onze vrienden en famillie in de Rif moeten leven.

Wij wonen in Nederland en klagen elke dag...stel je eens voor als daar woonde?

Die zogenaamde investeringen vinden altijd plaats tussen Tanger en S3idieja...en in Oujda!
Voor mij voldoende reden tot nadenken.

Nu pas in 2008 willen ze een stel hotels gaan bouwen in Nador en Al hoceima en verder langs de kust.
Deze projecten worden gefinancierd door de oliestaten uit het midden-oosten.
En iedereen weet waarvoor deze mensen naar Marokko komen!!

Oliestaten zijn honden. Ze investeren helemaal niks. Vele projecten in Rabat en  Casa zijn al gestopt door hun. Het is allemaal witwas en hasjgeld waar Marokko mee bouwt.

Bilboard van de nieuwe stad in Alhoceima gebouwd door Marokkaanse bedrijf Alomrane is klaar in 2009:

Projecten in Nador:


Ze gaan hele Noorden van Tanger tot Saidia volbouwen...

Maghribi hor

Wat een gezeik allemaal om investeringen van wie dan ook in Marokko. Moeten ze daar soms wachten totdat jullie ooit komen investeren of zo?


Citaat van: Maghribi hor op 26/03/2008 om 14:47:08
Wat een gezeik allemaal om investeringen van wie dan ook in Marokko. Moeten ze daar soms wachten totdat jullie ooit komen investeren of zo?

Is het jouw hobby om topics te verkrachten?
Als je iets zinnigs bij te dragen hebt, doe dat dan.
Zo niet, ga dan wat anders doen!